Yes it can be good money, however what is the commitment required of you to receive this hard earned money?
Can you handle, …actually can you visualise this?
- Long hours, Long stints, extreme isolation, no overtime, no public holiday extra money?
- High tax – with minimum deductible
- Extreme temperatures
- Extreme environmental conditions
- Extreme safety conditions
Danger money – use to be considered part of your wages!
- Team work …it’s a crucial necessity..
- Dietary deficiencies – you may require supplements
..Lack of sunlight ..too much!
shift work – sleep deprivation
- Start at the bottom
There is a system in place for a reason!
Learning what and why each crew’s role exists!
Qualifications- what do you have?
Experience – where does yours fit?

What are..
your needs
your priorities
what’s your goal?
Mentally challenging..
- self control and self discipline are crucial !!
Shift change – is not a party, don’t ruin it for others!
- Zero tolerance to drugs, alcohol is accepted onsite!’s the difference between life or death, your crew are dependent on your mental clarity!!
- The ability to handle a “two way” work to life balance, many fold trying to keep some form of a “normal life“ existence.. and find themselves seeking alternative ways to feel life!..
- Isolation- not everyone can mentally handle this.. and that’s ok!
what will you need to sustain healthy mental existence?
Connect – Communication- seek assistance!
Look for and understand your limitations..act on feelings and keep yourself safe, reach out for guidance when you feel unbalanced..!
Mentally challenging!
- Addiction .. a high possibility – porn, drugs, alcohol, gambling’s a very real issue.. especially when you’re trying to control your work life balance! Reality blurs at times…
Never loose sight of “why” you chose to take a “FIFO JOB”!
- Was it for better money.. get financially ahead?
- Was it to better your family life and goals?
- Was it to provide the path to a successful career?
Relationship issues - high divorce rates, families torn apart..
It goes both ways, on site and off site!
Some join simply to find a partner, some create an onsite wifey or hubby..
What’s your support system for the partner home?
- Do you have one in place?. You will need one!
You cannot take calls while you on shift, at work, on shift, unless it’s a true emergency!
At times you will feel, helpless when your loved ones need you!
Your mind must be on your job and surroundings at all times!.. it’s the stability that keeps you and your crew safe, everyone deserves to return home!
Zero tolerance towards “social media” .. don’t think you can post “a day in your life” onsite..
Stints are your “swing” what is going to work best for you?
Companies can offer, 8 days on with 6 days off, or 1 week on 1week off, two weeks on with two weeks off …these are considered best family friendly rosters..
2 weeks on, 1 week off, this roster is considered best value for money, or a 4 week on with 1 week off, this is getting rarer but still exist, or some may do a 2 moth on with 1 month..
Be aware of what the job offers and what works for you, before you apply for the job.. it’s the difference between survival and commitment!!
why have you chosen a FIFO JOB?
Pros and Cons
Gain 1 week or 2 week off, it.. more quality downtime? …or is your downtime simply recovering from your exhausting swing at work..?
Mentally high risk, are you stable and confident enough in your self?
Can you create and live within a reachable realistic work-life balance?
Appears good money?
Can you cope mentally and physically with..
Long shifts being 12 to 16 hour days are a reality!
- Work day ..Start at 5 a.m then your up by 3:30 to 4:00 a.m mindful the bus to the mine does not wait for you!
- Finish your work day 5 p.m to 6 p.m!
- Dinner, get washing done, quick phone call to loved ones, then bed by 8 p.m..
- Sleep – repeat – work.. day in day out..until the end of your swing!
Fly in day – Travel to site – day 1 you could start same day as you fly in, or straight onto nights, or start the following day, then this is not a paid day..
Travel to mine – some sites could take hours to bus, from camp to mine, and this is not paid!
What happens when you’ve got through to site?
Consistent Medicals, physical, Drug and alcohol, compulsory random testing will happen, this exists and contributes towards your safety & the safety of your fellow crew.. at all times!.. It is life or death! … you must take this seriously!!

why have you …chosen a FIFO JOB?
So how do you see it.. are FIFO JOBS good money?
Do you see value for money?
Are you confident the money is good for you?
Is it good money?
Only you can answer this question!
Wondering about the money? Well, the truth is, you won’t know until you’re actually working among it.
Make an informed choice that suits your needs and priorities!
what’s your goals?