Debt n FIFO goes hand in hand… here is an insight to how or what can happen to some of us…
You came into this industry to build financial stability…yet here we go again, starting over, the doubt, the self criticism, the dignity, your hope, your faith just can’t take it and yet here we are, living pay to pay … again… Sound familiar?
Dealing with debt and your finances whilst living within this industry can tear apart the strongest of us…
We share this insight to help others understand, it doesn’t just happen to them and hopefully for those that are new to the industry, to understand the importance to be disciplined and have a “plan of attack” around building their finances, as there are many small bumps in the road that can turn into a vicious circle!
A financial issue in a relationship whilst surviving within a FIFO Lifestyle, can escalate very quickly, the key that is hard to do is “how do you stop it from breaking a good relationship”? …Whether the relationship is one of “you and your own dignity” or “you and your partner” this is a core issue of known destruction within the lifestyle of this industry!
Here we go…
I mean seriously when shit happens, it happens huge and I don’t mean big I mean wholly #fkn huge…
But why they say.. How can that happen..
Well it’s got me #fkd..
Its seems
You get over 1 hurdle and bang.. Shits knocking at your door again!
You learn one lesson very quick!
How to start again..
..Difference is …thank #fk…if you try to find the positive…
At least the debts lower than the last time and the time before that!
But seriously it does rip at your sense of “insane” capabilities…
So what the #fk happened thus time?
Well I guess again… Just when you think you’ve got a grasp on things… Living your little life contently … Bang slap in the face!
They say look at the lesson you are supposed to be learning here…
Well I’ve got to say..
I’m blind cause I’m just not grasping what’s the #fkn lesson is!..
Financial struggles can rip the strongest of relationship apart… No one’s unbreakable…
you’ll find common excuses for why you’ve allowed this to happen again…
Got me #fkd
All I hold onto is surely we’re not the only ones!
You know what we’re not!
Its very common
Trouble is no one believes you… That this much shit can go wrong… frankly you find it hard to believe yourself!
So you believe you’re getting into FIFO for a financial future of security….
Do you have the attitude “I’m earning the money” what more do you want from me?
How do you work out if you can make it in a FIFO lifestyle …
Here is a simple question to look at…
You build a “veg garden”…. Do you?
A) Tell your partner “that will need to be watered”???
B) Set up a self automated retic system, to ensure its watered when it needs it & to the volume of water required so the vegies can grow quality produce?
Your answer is…
A) … congratulations your chances are looking good…. NOT…
B)… well done there’s hope for you!
Now for a little summary of how I feel some of us … just keep having the “oh #fk me” lesson…!
How does it happen –
In any relationship there is the chores of life! The daily shit that has to be done in order to keep order!
Both parties of the relationship will find… them at times monotonous boring and at times rewarding… but they have to be done!
Then there is the “things” that you both love to do, like to own, like to be … in order to still feel you are an independent individual of character … a person!
Being and living in a “normal way of life” goes right out the window … when living within a FIFO lifestyle…
Once you get over the honeymoon stage…
Everything’s great moneys rolling in you’re getting on top of the finances …
you’re adjusting to being away from each other…
You build a routine to cope… but yes you still miss each other… “it’s just not the same when you roll over half open your eye & the pillow beside you has no head on it!
You build a coping mechanism & start to learn to cope with your emotions…
You work through it, as you see the bills are getting paid… the excitement when they fly in, makes the “butterfly’s start up gain … it’s like groundhog day… how wonderful for you!
Then comes the next stage “delight” … a family holiday you can actually afford, update the car, family eat out …some new cloths… that extra special steak… it crepes in slowly … before you know it… things start to change… you start to relax a bit & enjoy this “I Do cause I can” precious feeling!
And bang you’re hooked … before you know it …
the kids are in “the best private” schooling …
more left over’s from the nights meals are thrown out..
Oh it’s not on special.. it’s ok I can afford that!…. the little things add up ..
And before you know it … that wage becomes not so big any more…
Finances are getting low… and you’ve just got to get through 2 days & it’s pay day!… fuck …
Welcome … you’ve hit stage 3…
Now the pressure is on…
You’ve switched the “moment” from “I can” to “I need”!
You’re thoughts will change, the pressure starts… you’re existence alters!
Here’s where I find you learn a lot about yourself…
Either a solid self discipline kicks in … or a self sabotage “who’s to blame” kicks in…
The one working away starts to feel the pressure “I can’t leave we need to chase the money” … and they can start to feel they are holding all the responsibility on their shoulders..
the one at home “takes on a I’ve got this” …takes on the mental “oh no I can help more” I’ll pick up more slack so they don’t feel this way, I am responsible I’ve got this….
Or turn a blind eye… they’ll be right …
Either way both parties emotions have changed and the outcome can only play out as to how “you choose” to handle this situation…
Resentment can easily creep in… & the power game sneaks in…
you’re spending too much” “what’s happening with my money”…
You’re bond is now under the test of “life circumstances “..
Do you fold and start to fix this alone..
or does a bond build a higher level of connection..
Do you work together for what is right for the both of you..
This is where it can be a total game changer!…
The lesson of life starts snowballing in..
One slip and you’re on the very common merry go round… the rest of us found ourselves in!..
You’ve now lost sight of what was the goal..
Survival kicks in …
Things will either fall apart or moves forward stronger than ever…
Just wait for it…
You’ve raised the kids as a single parent, you’ve tackled the “to do list” like a masterpiece of a puzzle…
Then bang things change..
Home they come … not in love with you they’re out!
Or can happen just as often vice versa …
You find their absence is that absent … so you’re out!
Or just maybe you’re one of the very few lucky ones.. who make it through & hold your Relationship together… that is rare in this industry …
So moral of this story … if you’re prepared to accept the roller coaster of your life…
Yahoo… go for it..
If you can be definitely financially disciplined… you’ll do ok..
If not … we’ll all I can say … be sure you have an agreed “out” flag! … & no matter the circumstances, get out of the FIFO lifestyle…
FIFO n Financial stability in this industry… it is the most unstable environment to work within…
Many “normal” life issues can happen… which escalates very quickly in this lifestyle…and can make it difficult to cope with if you don’t seek out valuable “life tools” to support yourself with;
Loss of job / contract
Change jobs
Accident / illness
Loss of family
Family necessities
Bad decisions
Shit just falls out of the sky… and always lands on you!…
It doesn’t take much to make circumstances to go pear shaped… and if you’re lucky, aware, prepared… you may just stand a chance to achieve what you set out to do!
If you’re not … then learn quickly… how to hang on for the ride of your life!
So the moral of this…
New to FIFO
Keep within your current limits.. Financially and Personally…
Don’t go buy the expensive house, car etc… if a loan is involved keep the amount at “what you could afford on a “stay at home wage”… or don’t buy a home at all.. rent and pile the money away as if you had that expensive home .. Follow for more tips, to come!
- Have a time frame plan…
Before you could truly see any financial advantages you need to be prepared to go into this for min 2-5yrs… - Have a goal plan …
what is it you hope to achieve by going FIFO… financially… career … personally!
Have a support system… especially if you have a family …
Are you the one In the industry & FIFO lifestyle …Surviving it … and killing it… share the “how’d you do it” .. Understand you’re rare…!..Congratulations
Are you in the merry go round “golden handcuff”
You’ve got the debt,
the relationship held together with band aides & safety pins…
Hang in there … together we can fix this!
Stay in hope and hold faith …
Do not punish yourself …
Do not lose your dignity…
Reach out accept help…
Look deep find the tools to work it through…
Find the strength to not tear each other apart..
Build your step ladder… and take one step at a time… work yourself back up!
Remember you’re human … you are a person of character & life’s lessons…
Make a choice … don’t bury your head or heart…
Make a choice … don’t build guilt or blame…
Make a choice… You’ve got this..
Make a choice … find a way…
You’ve probably worked it out by now … I’m in the category “how can this happen”..
So as we find ourselves here again… starting over financially again …
finding the best band aide to hold the wounds of the relationship together..
Yes … It becomes overwhelming at times… you become frozen with thoughts “how the heck do you fix this”?
I came across a valuable “life tool” to share with you…
Write all your problems | complaints | issues down..
Look at them into two categories
Permanent or Temporary
- Permanent – you just cannot change it… it is what it is!
- Temporary- you can do something about it…
This exercise somehow makes you “own it” and can help change your life!
It’s places issues very clearly…
this allows you to keep clear focus on “what is your problem” and what can “I do to change it”
- if you can do something about it… then start and just try!
- If you can’t… then accept it… you cannot …
You cannot change a person’s behavior towards you! … You can change how you behave towards them!
You cannot change another person’s habits … you can work on changing your own!
- For every “temporary problem” in your life ask yourself “what can I do to change it”?
It’s very refreshing to recognise this “situation” can be temporary…!
What ever it takes at the end of the day… find your way to keep your-self sanity safe!
Debt is energy… flip it over & look for the way to change it!
If you look at it as a heavy weight … it will be hard going… and consume your energy!
If you find a way to see “it’s temporary” it becomes a positive energy… and will allow you to change it!
You’ve got this!
… Well I’m going to have a go!
A bit of inspiration for those of us … whom to …just take a little bit longer to achieve…
A bit of inspiration guidance for those who may be new to working living with the FIFO lifestyle…
A “high 5” to those who have made it…
So they say you’re supposed to look at it “what is my lesson in all off this”?
I guess mine atm is …
To share and help others know “don’t lose your shit over debt”… it’s temporary…
Debt it’s …Life changing, overwhelming…but yes … “it’s temporary…
You can fix it Bob … yes you can!
So what can you do… to change it?
Hope this helps someone!!
…till next time… I’m of to work on my “what can I do” to change it list!