FIFO JOBS can help you resolve the frustration around trying to gain a FIFO JOB.
Members can explore FIFO JOBS information areas to learn How to find a FIFO JOB |What are the secrets to getting through | Where do you look for a FIFO JOB |Is FIFO for you |How to handle the pitfalls of FIFO | What are the benefits of FIFO | Why the FIFO working community connect.
You can gain a great insight and key secrets from utilising this information and guidance. It comes from those who are in the industry, it is crucial to your ability to survive so you can thrive with core basic knowledge and a clear understanding ….The What How When Where of FIFO.
You are not alone there are 100’s of people frustrated at simply trying to get through to a FIFO JOB, never alone making FIFO work for them!
Can your resume cut through recruitment process?
…Send through your resume and we will have a look for you, this is FREE for members! not a member click here or contact us
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Top 3 common issues faced;
NO: 1 YOUR Resume and cover letter – 80% cannot get through because of their CV’s
Prep and knowledge of “How to go about it” is the difference between gaining the FIFO JOB or keep sending paper planes!
NO: 2 Position you are applying for isn’t stated on your Cover Letter or Resume – 80% do not state the job title
Prep and knowledge of why it is important to know and state “what is the JOB TITLE” to the position you are applying for!
NO: 3 Skills and Experience relevant – 80% do not make it clear how their skills work to the position vacant
Prep and knowledge of what skills and experience you can offer or can be an advantage to the position applied for!
To have a chance of succeeding to gain your FIFO JOB, you are going to need to put some time into preparing your resume and cover letters, have an understanding of the environment you are getting into or you won’t make it through to be even considered for the FIFO JOB …thus why we call your frustration … “sending paper planes”
Yes you will find this frustrating, so search and utilise our “self help” guides.
If you are time poor take advantage of our one to one services, as members you can access these with your member’s discount!
We helped many people who say … but I have a resume? very often we see the issue is that the resume is not set to suit this Industries recruitment process, which is definitely different to just simply gaining a local job! … this is one of the biggest reasons people are finding it hard to get through to the FIFO JOB they are seeking!
Can your resume cut through recruitment process?
…Send through your resume and we will have a look for you, this is FREE for members!
not a member click here or contact us