Visit the FIFO JOBS – Blog section
Within this blog area, you will find helpful guided information to use to help yourself and prepare with valuable knowledge to make the process more achievable!
Register to complete your membership, and sign into your “FIFO JOBS” Blog group …to view, participate and utilise the self help info or check out our one to one services available….
- Do you want help, support the “know how” to where to start?
- Are you sick of wasting your time and money trying to get a FIFO JOB?
- Do you want a FIFO JOB now?
- Are you new to the whole “FIFO JOB” concept?
- Are you currently in a FIFO JOB and seek a new position and find you are having no success?
Join the community and get the inside knowledge that will increase your chances of getting a FIFO JOB!
Here is a preview of topics you will find useful;
BLOG – It’s hard to get a FIFO JOB… no shit!
Want to know why you are feeling frustrated, disheartened, or simply fed up from not hearing any news back from every application you send of?
What is the secret, what key info will unlock your frustration… find the answer to why you are not getting anywhere!
your PREP prior to formatting and sending of your resume makes the difference of you gaining the job or not even making it to the person looking for the “right person” for the job!
- 3 simple examples of common mistakes made prior to sending your application in.
- Several stages to the process involved to gain a FIFO JOB, here are just two;
Stage 1 – Application process.
Stage 2 – Suitability to the position offered;
Join the community and have access to the “inside key” information to self help services, one to one services and much more…
FIFO JOBS members area will give you the answers, the know how and guide you to complete the “Application process” so you stand a chance to gain a FIFO JOB!
- Do it your self – Use the self help areas
- Access our one to one areas – We can work with you to speed up the process
If you can gain just one bit of knowledge or know how by utilising “FIFO JOBS” that can save you time and money… then that’s got to be worth it?
Join up and we will see you on the inside…hit the “MEMBER”
The “how, where, what do you need to start” …let us help you to find the info you need? .. RIGHT HERE!
If you can gain one thing from this… the time and money saved would be priceless!