This section will assist you to find the information you seek, to answer …
..not only “WHERE DO I START” when looking for that FIFO JOB… will have the tools and knowledge, for a better chance at achieving the job your seeking!
  • Where to start- New to the Industry
  • Change of Job
  • Change your career
  • Prep, Plan, Process, Prosper, Patience
  • The Job, environment, mindset

Be guided by information and resources to aid you to achieve the FIFO JOB you seek within the Mining and Resources Industry and stay connected to knowledge of what’s working and what’s not!

Choosing this industry and work / life environment, opens you to a mammoth mind field of …physically …emotionally …mentally ..good and hard challenges..

Your key to success within this environment …is your understanding, knowledge and abilities to foresee ..whenever it’s necessary to consciously change your mindset, so as you can achieve without loosing your core and soul!

#Life doesn’t have to be that hard …the choices you make, determines the path you take! … If you are driving to somewhere you’ve never been.. DO YOU.. Look it up on a map to prepare and help direct you? or Just drive and see where it takes you?

Take advantage from those like us, who are in this industry or have retired from the industry and be guided by what has worked and what puts bumps on your path!