FIFO QandA basic 101

FIFO Q and A – Reduce the hurdles – Get the right direction – Share your knowledge – Together we can make a difference… No one knows the Industry better than those who work within it!

It is an amazing BOND being part of this community…not just those who work within it, but also the support wife / hubby / family & friends that wait for you to come home!
  • It’s exhilarating | exhausting | rewarding | ruthless …
  • It can bring you together, rip you apart and bring you back together again!
  • It’s a bond like no other..
  • it’s a unique experience
“We are a community brought together by the industry they work within!
We are family, We are united, We all stand together as one”

We sure know a lot about the Industry … but not much about being a ballerina!

FIFO JOBS – Do you want help?

Why do we care?

A majority of people encounter a total brain freeze, when trying to get into the work of FIFO in the Mining & Resources Industry’s …. You’re not alone!
Seriously when you add up the hours, days, weeks, years and time you have lost trying… I’m guessing it would come into the high $$$

The frustration that many go through to simply land yourself a “FIFO JOB” is wide spread, there is so much information out there, and yet at the same time a complete lack of, “how do you actually go about this?” you are left confused, it’s disheartening and before you know it your confidence takes a hit… and you give up!

We have a saying here “looking to gain a FIFO JOB is a full time job within itself!”

We get it, been there… done that!
We can help you …guide you and support you along the way! Continue reading “FIFO JOBS – Do you want help?”

FIFO JOBS – Services & info to help you gain a job in Mining Resources Industry’s

FIFO JOBSfor those who are NEW to the Mining Industry!

Been thinking to yourself! …. I want a FIFO Job…but where do I start?
FIFO JOBS” … it’s where you will find the help you seek ….!
Information provided here, will give you the “TOOLS” and “MINDSET” to achieve it!
Sign-Up to access the complete full “FIFO JOBS” services and info created to gain you fast results!

In your researching, you’re going to come across a lot of info that’s going to confuse you.. waste many hours of “googling” to land you on a FB page or a web site that says.. “pay me this $$$ and you too can work in the mines”!
Frustrating isn’t it!
We get it, been there… done that!

We can help you …guide you and support you along the way!

Continue reading “FIFO JOBS – Services & info to help you gain a job in Mining Resources Industry’s”