Top 5 issues within the work-life balance of FIFO
Here we take a look at areas that can affect you, when working & living within a FIFO lifestyle of the Mining & resources industries..
… It’s hard to give you a future vision, when you come into this “way of life” for what to expect … everyone is individual and for everyone they will have their own path…

So view this knowledge as “a guide” to help prepare or be made aware of, that it does exist…
Your experience is going to be “yours” to follow ..
..and for the hope of faith, we share these examples to guide you to either grow & learn or connect that your not alone in this!
There is good & bad experiences in life… how ever you do need to be aware… living within this “FIFO lifestyle” escalates any or all of your emotions to a whole new level..
Your “day to day” issues can become bigger or brighter depending on how you choose to handle your response to it! … but it’s definitely not “a normal way of living” your only human .. always remember that!
- Finances – goals | time lines | survival | starting over again| “it’s not a debt until something goes wrong or circumstances change”
- Relationships – support | family | yourself | split in 2 living a “Clayton’s life” – home life | work – life | absence | ghosting
- The FIFO JOB – growth | stability | consistency | work life balance | Brother- Sisterhood
- Mental Wellness – Isolation | Stress | Alone, you’re not there | Health – dangers to look out for when you in it long term – the emotional vacuum | Duty of Care
- Discipline – living a fine line | goals | reach out for help | individuality | ethics | duty of care | remember why you got into this? …was it for career or finance stability?
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