Where to start: Understand the Mining Industry BASICS| International Job Seekers

Where to start: Understand the Mining Industry BASICS | International Job Seekers – Australian Mining Industry 

You want to come to AUSTRALIA for a FIFO JOB?
WHERE do you start?
WHAT do you need to know?

You START with the “BASICS”#UNDERSTAND THE MINING INDUSTRY: ….To successfully succeed and save yourself a lot of time, research, and misunderstandings! Take the time to fully, understand and have knowledge of the environment you are getting into!

It is a unique, demanding, dangerous and harsh environment, where your knowledge and safety are crucial!

Common sense, will guide you however, knowledge will aid you to stay on top of, what you need to know!

Within this Guide You can find Topics to build your knowledge to achieve:

  • “where to look for a job | where to direct your application”
  • “when to change the job or company | what resources are being slowed”
  • “what job  suites you | what is the job type, roll, duties” 
  • “where is the job & what state is the job based | what are the legal requirements for that state | where is the highest opportunity”
    • … and much more!

To navigate the Australian Mining Industry effectively, it’s essential to understand the environment you’re entering, including the resources being mined, the companies and contractors involved, and current market trends.
Each mining company or contractor may offer unique job opportunities based on the type of resources they focus on—whether iron ore, gold, coal, or other minerals. By understanding which resources are in high demand, job seekers can target companies and roles more strategically, especially since mining companies tend to scale operations up or down based on market demand for specific resources.

Utilise these topics, as a guide and save some time with your research..

Understand the Mining Industry

Once you have a clear understanding of these basics, you can narrow your search, submit more directly and achieve your goal quicker!

Then your ready to follow further steps to check out topics to understand:

  • Mining Industry BASICS | Environment, Mining Resources, Companies, Jobs
  • Gaining the correct “WORK VISA”
  • Know “WHERE TO LOOK” …Find the “FIFO JOB” that works for you!
  • Understand the “ENVIRONMENT” you are going into! …is it for you?
  • Preparing your CV / RESUME to suit and provide a clear direction of what your seeking

Your research and knowledge will be the crucial difference for you to succeed!


UNDERSTAND THE MINING INDUSTRY: If a particular resource, like coal or gold, is experiencing a downturn, companies involved in those areas may reduce projects or hiring. This insight can guide job seekers to explore opportunities in sectors with higher stability or demand. For example, if lithium is booming due to battery demand, roles in lithium mining may offer more job security and mobility than those tied to less stable resources.

Understanding where to look also extends to the location of these mine sites. Many mining companies prefer hiring employees from specific “points of hire,” or regional hubs near mine sites, such as Perth for WA projects. Being based in the preferred hiring region often makes applicants more attractive and can also impact travel costs—sometimes companies cover flights to the point of hire, but in other cases, candidates bear this cost. Knowing these factors can help job seekers assess the full cost and benefit of relocating or commuting, allowing them to make more informed career choices.

Overall, being knowledgeable about resource demand, company project cycles, and the logistics of employment in different states can give job seekers a more resilient strategy for consistent employment in the mining industry.


WHERE DO YOU START? ..Is to “Understand the industry” for clear direction!

From there start researching:

  1. Research where and what “MINE SITES” are in that state!
    (This tells you the level of opportunity that may be available and where to base yourself)

  1. Research, “WHAT IS THE RESOURCE MINED” from these mine sites!
    This tells you,
    • the stability of the job
      • the environment you will work in,
      • the types of job opportunities available,
      • the stability of the job you seek,
      • the mental & physical demands on you personally required
  2. Select the resource that most suites your skill set and experience
    • This will show you what | where the environment is and where you will be based
    • Surface Mining| Construction
    • Underground Mining
    • Oil and Gas
    • On-site | Local – Head Office
    • FIFO | BIBO | DIDO

This you can find key information, from;

  1. Then research, “WHO IS THE |Company | Contractor” to that mine site!
    This will tell you key information, from;
    • This will give you list of companies involved and or
    • who else contracts to the “MINE SITES PROJECT”, and where to start looking for positions available.
  2. Select a Company | Contractor |and continue your research from this company’s website!
    • Research who do they use & contract out, to achieve the demands of their “contract / project” (who are the other companies, businesses, suppliers)
      • This will give you added points of contacts to reach, when applying for positions available
    • Understand the stability of the job,
      • Research: how long have they had the contract,
      • what is the lifetime of that contract
      • Do they own the mine site
      • you can find this information within that company’s website!

  3. Research further information from that “project” / mine site;
    • What positions are available
      • Where is their “point of hire” (where you fly out from to the mine site”)
      • The structure of the “EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT” would it be a “FIFO or BIBO” position and the length of your “SWING / ROSTER”
      • The stability of level and rate of pay offered
      • How do they hire?
      • Do they have their own “CAREER” site or do they contract out for hiring?
    • Do they offer “WORK VISA” or “SPONSORED” opportunities?
    • If you cannot clearly find this clarification, there will be a email for HR on their website.
    • #Only send an email to HR requesting clarification about “work visa’s and what their procedures are!
    • DO NOT SIMPLY SEND YOUR CV to the HR, you will be ignored & rejected,
  5. Research, The Company | Business: “Reputation” & “JOB STABILITY”
    • This information will help guide you as to the stability of the job
    • This will show you reviews of their stability, performance, growth,
    • Are they an International company or local to state / country
    • Volume of projects
    • Volume of employees
    • Treatment of employees

By completing this research prior to seeking or applying, you will be able to find a suitable position quicker and conform your CV / RESUME to be clear, direct with a strong chance of success!


  1. PREPARE your CV / RESUME to suite the position you are applying for!

This is important, that you have stated very clearly the “JOB TITLE” as is advertised

NOTE: If you send in a generic “one size fits all” CV you will not get through the system, it will be highly detrimental to your outcome! …You will be rejected…

You must show clearly how your “skill set” and “experience” corresponds …it is not up to HR to work out how you would suite what they are looking for!


  1. Assistance with finding the information:

You can find and access specific EBOOK guides with Topics to these areas of research, to assist your research and guide your knowledge:

Mining Industry BASICS | Environment, Mining Resources, Companies, Jobs

Gaining the correct “WORK VISA”

Preparing your CV / RESUME to suit and provide a clear direction of what your seeking